Friday, June 11, 2010

Investigate who your leaders are

As you all know by now from reading my previous posts, I am EXTREMELY dissatisfied with the way the justice system works here in the United States. One of the things that really bothers me is what lawmakers, judges and attorneys can get away with. If you read my profile, you'll know when I got arrested last year, I had THREE different attorneys representing me on my case. What really get to me is my first attorney, who's running for judge and is a prominent attorney in Kings county, California, told me there's no such defense as the duress defense. I know for a fact this is not true due to the fact I talked personally to one of her colleagues who told me there is a precedence for this defense in a courtroom, plus, I researched it on the internet. I know I'm blessed for the fact I only got probation, but as a taxpayer and as someone who's now had the experience of being in the system, I now have first hand experience that tells me for a fact our justice system needs some fixing!