Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hi. My name is Patricia Bennett. I'm a 43-yr young divorced mother of two teenagers. About 3 years ago, I was emotionally distraught due to some serious personal family issues. As a result, I was coerced & threatened into committing a crime by career criminals, who I believe know my ex-fiance, who did time in Corcoran State Prison. These career criminals threatened to kill my children & I. I was told not to go to the police as I was being watched. I was really scared and gave in to the threats. When I got caught, I was arrested on an ILLEGAL search warrant, psychologically coerced into confessing by the authorities without an attorney & not read my rights. Then, I was told by my first public defender there was no such defense as the defense of duress, after I'd researched it myself! My second public defender, along with my first public defender told me that me NOT being read my rights did not matter, even though I know the Supreme court ruled not Mirandizing a suspect unconstitutional! My third public defender pressured me into "pleading out" (this means to plead guilty) because he told me if we went to trial there was a good chance we'd loose and the DA wanted to send me to prison for two years, but I was facing up to 6 years. On top of this, at my sentencing hearing, I asked my attorney if I could make a statement to the judge & he advised against it. I told all my attorneys I had proof but they would not listen to me and really fight for me.

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